I gotta say thanks for all the really thoughtful and sweet comments and messages ya’ll sent after my last post. It really was a huge source of encouragement for me! I felt the love from our friends and family that have been so right here with us through every step. I loved hearing from other adoptive moms…some who are near us in the waiting journey, others just barely home with their kiddos, and still others whose adopted children are grown. They can relate in an intimate way. And other moms related their support as well–and a kinship we share in this whole business of learning to “let go” of our children. Unfortunately, with adoption, I’m learning to let go before I ever have him in my arms, but it’s something that continues to happen…whether it’s kindergarten, college, or marriage! But one thing that so many of you pointed out was that my intense sadness over not having Asher here is a step of connectedness towards him. Adoptees are not the only ones who have to learn to bond….we as his adopted family need to form an attachment to him as well. As someone pointed out, this mourning is a sign that God is placing a mother’s love inside my heart for a child I’ve never met, who lives half a world away. It’s a good, good thing. 🙂
It also helped that we were able to put together our next care package for Asher and mail it off today. Here’s the contents of the package, minus a birthday card Carson made after I snapped this shot. My mom finished Asher’s lovey/Minky, we included a special hand-me-down shirt, a photo album, a birthday card and a disposable camera. If you are looking for ways to pray, please pray that his foster family is using the disposable cameras to take pictures of him. 🙂
Stealing the idea from Angie and fam, we took pictures of ourselves giving the polite Thai greeting. (Someone remind me what it is called! I’m too lazy to go check right now.)