So, I’ve been holding back with the “push,” but just a reminder, we still have a little less than 2 weeks left in our old-fashioned fundraising letter push. Except, for most of you reading this, it’s a new-fangled-blog-fundraising-push! If you need a refresher about the process, or would like to read our letter, click HERE. But let me sum up for you:


We are partnering with an organization called Lifesong for Orphans. They created a fund for us, and any donations made to them in our name are a)tax deductible and b)can be used to pay for any and all adoption-related expenses for us, including (and primarily for) the $11,000 fee due upon referral of our child. Lifesong is not taking out any percentage for their own costs. From now until March 1st, we are humbly asking pretty much anyone we know if they would consider donating.
You can donate online through paypal (still tax-deductible!) by going to THIS page and clicking on the yellow donate button AND clarifying that the gift is for Tompkins #1664. Or you can write an old-fashioned check, made payable TO Lifesong, with Tompkins $1664 in the memo line. You would mail it to
Lifesong for Orphans
PO Box 40
Gridley, IL 61744
This is what I have to say about how amazing God has been so far:

I mean that in a good way! I have said it before and I’ll say it again: every bit helps. The donations that may feel small to the giver are big to the receiver, and are multiplied by the Father. Thanks for considering being a part of our child’s story in this way, and thanks for being patient while we do this necessary step in our adoption.