“It’s time again for picture time! It’s time to get your crayons and your pen-cils!” Remember that song?! That has nothing to do with this post. It was just a fun title that got me sidetracked.

I’m totally backtracking here with this post. I needed something to post about. About a month ago, on a warm September weekend, we went with my side of the family to Black Butte, a deserty/foresty resort in central Oregon. We got a rental deal because it is the “shoulder” season (after labor day) and it turned out to be perfect! The house had a beautiful deck where the kids played a lot. Jojo helped spearhead this clever little game: pine cone golf.

It’s funny, Jack is closer in age to Sydney, but he and Carson seem to play very well together. Carson adores Jack and Jack seems to want to follow Carson and do what he is doing, so usually it is perfect. One of my favorite memories of the two of them outside is when my mom and I were trying to get Jack to say “pine cone.” (He’s talking like crazy at this age!) Carson decided to try to help, but with his little speech impediment, he was very clearly articulating:

“JACK. SAY ‘PINE TONE.’ Can you say that, Jack? ‘PINE. TONE.'” 🙂 It was pretty funny.

Here’s the 3 cousins after waking up. What a shocker. Pantless Wonder strikes again there on the left.
Three families in a small 3 bedroom house make for some early morning wake-up calls all around! These 2 early birds enjoyed their bran muffins at 6:15am while the rest of us tried to wake up a little.

There was lots of wrestling!

Mostly (ok, only) with all the males in the house.

Carson watched Toy Story and Horton Hears a Who with Jack on the little DVD player and gave him a play-by-play of the plot. In case Jack was…blind and deaf? I don’t know, but sweet Jack didn’t care.

But we also had lots of storytime.

Lots and lots of stories were read.

One of our favorite things was that Black Butte just got a brand new pool area that also has fountains for the kids to run in. This has never been a huge draw for us, but now that we’ve tried it out, we know how fun it is!

Oh, I’m so biased, but she’s pretty cute.

Jack, checking out the sprinklers…

I love this one!

Jack was not timid at all about the water.

How can that feel good?!

This was taken on our last day, when I didn’t dress Sydney down for the water. She still got a little taste of it, though.

It was a great weekend. Thanks Bunches!