So, here’s the thing. I have a bit of an oral fixation. I love passing the time by sipping on something sweet. Especially when we are going for a bit of a drive; that’s when I love to have a little drinktreat. My favorite choice of a summer drinktreat is a grande no whip white mocha Frappucino blended coffee. Mmmmmm. Second fave is an almond joy dutch freeze, but that’s a little too sweet, even for ME. (Most of you black coffee lovers would spit it out.)
But here’s the problem. THE PRICES! Good NIGHT they are ridiculous. Starbucks just raised their prices, and for me to get my drink and a chocolate milk for Carson it is…wait for it…FIVE DOLLARS AND SEVENTY CENTS. Well, the first time we went with these new prices, I just about wet my pants. (Of course they didn’t tell me the total until I was at the window. Boo! Boo, I say!)
However, the good news is: we have found a very suitable substitute.
They just built a brand new Sonic about 5 minutes from our house. Sonic has a variety of summer drinktreats like slushies and flavored lemonades, and will put flavored syrup in regular sodas.
The biggest selling point for us is that EVERY DAY they have a happy hour from 2pm-4pm when all drinks are half off. HALF OFF! Also? Vanilla cones and a small tater tots are only $1 all the time.
I’m a little embarassed to say how often we have been to Sonic this summer. Now that Carson is not napping regularly, our afternoons at home can feel like an eternity. Hopping in the car to go spend $1.50 for 2 drinks is often the perfect solution for cabin fever. Not only is there the new one by our house, but there is one perfectly placed right off the freeway on my way home from visiting friends in Portland. My drink of choice is usually a diet coke with vanilla. Carson gets a small lemonade or cherry slushy.
Trent comes home a couple times a week and sees our Sonic cups in the trash and gets jealous that we went without him. So, of course, on the weekends, we have to go WITH him. His choices vary, but often tends to go with the lemon-berry slush. I highly recommend it. This particular Saturday, we got: 2 vanilla cones, one diet coke with vanilla flavor, one chicken sandwich, and 2 small slushes. The total? $5.90. Twenty cents more than my 2 drinks at Starbucks! Need I say more?