This is one of Carson’s favorite places to sit/rest/read/watch TV. It fits him pretty well! He’s found himself there a bit more this weekend, as I’ve been sick. “Sick” is used loosely, as
our dear friends in California have been dealing with a sickness that really puts my miseries into perspective. If you can’t tell by Carson’s beautiful attire, my energy levels and motivation have been a bit low, and my patience seems even lower. I’m missing my Dayquil, but alas, it’s another pregnancy no-no. Today we have something to look forward to, as Carson’s buddy Ethan is getting a little sister today! (Scheduled C-sections are so convenient for everyone else!) Surely more picture will be posted, although I’m not sure if I should hold this little babe, whom I have affectionately named “Audry” after the Pottery Barn bedding they chose for her room. Can’t wait to meet her!