I haven’t posted a lot of Carson pics lately, so here’s a few recent ones, mostly from our trip to AZ. I love this one–he borrowed uncle Kipp’s (I think?) glasses.
This one is from one of our last days at our apartment. When I took him back yesterday to finish up the cleaning, he saw the place empty and got confused, then started crying. OK, for those of you who asked me of I was getting sentimental about leaving the place where Carson came home from the hospital, learned to walk, etc. That made me really sad!
I cannot communicate to you the passion of Carson’s current obsession with sitting in the driver’s seat of cars. Whenever we walk into a parking lot or garage, he beelines for the door of any car, asking “please.” When we are getting into our car and I am holding him, he DIVES towards the front seat, then flails and screams when I drag him to the back and his own carseat. The other day we were out and about and when we got lunch, I let him sit in the driver’s seat and eat his lunch. He was SO excited. He kept looking over at me and grinning. And you better believe he knows what to do with those keys!
Uncle Mike! It might be time for some lessons!
And, taking after his uncles and daddies in other ways, Carson got some good golfing practice on Ashley’s putting green.

Here he is analyzing his shot. (At least I hope that’s what he’s doing.)
When in doubt, consult your caddy. But don’t hit him in the crotch with your club. It makes others laugh, but he might not carry your golf bag/diaper bag anymore that day.