If you follow this blog you know I’m a little obsessed with getting pictures of my kids, particularly on special occasions. Well, Easter is coming up, and it is such a wonderful day, but usually quite busy. We don’t even get to go to church together, b/c I’m always singing and have to go early. So, I decided that instead of risking a rainy day, cranky kids, chocolate stains and missed photo ops, I would dress them up and snap away a few weeks early. I realize this ruins any post-Easter post, but I don’t think you really care. Since it will be Sydney’s first Easter, it was important to me. In fact, I started with just her b/c Carson wouldn’t get dressed up. Then he wanted to sit on the blanket with her in his t-shirt and sweats, and I said NO. He could only sit with her if he got dressed up. As you can see…I won! Although I’m obsessed with getting a “good” picture, I’ve long ago given up the hope of having both kids looking at the camera and smiling. So now I have learned to settle for a succession of real-life candids that make me smile just as much.

As you can tell from my new blog banner, this is my favorite! I don’t even remember what he is saying to her, but it was emphatic, no?


…boo!”I’m seriously considering photoshopping a “good head” of Sydney from one of the other pictures and attaching it to her body in this one, since Carson’s smile is real and genuine. You guys won’t tell, will you?

Everyone together now….”Awwwww!”

Pretty girl!

My handsome man!