Well, today is the big day! Actually, today is probably the 3rd most exciting day in the 10 months of pregnancy. Yes, I said 10 months. It’s 40 weeks, so I like to say 10 months. First most exciting is the LAST day of the pregnancy, but the first day you find out ABOUT the pregnancy is pretty important. Today we are having our big ultrasound to find out if Carson is having a brother or a sister. We are praying that little Phoebe or Pheobo will be nice and relaxed and in a condusive position, ifyaknowwhatimean.
I’m hesitant to write anything at length about my desires or gut feelings, for fear that Phoebe will look back and think I wanted a boy, or Phoebo will look back and think I wanted a girl and much resentment and counseling will follow. Ha! Who am I kidding? I can’t write anything without it being “at length.” So, read it or don’t…it’s always your choice.
I’ve been telling people that I kind of think it will be a boy. Not sure why. I think a boy would be great for Carson and boy2 as they grow up. I can picture bunk beds, lots of dirt and trucks, wrestling, soccer, a bathroom that constantly has urine around the toilet where little boys weren’t quite focused enough on their aim…all that good stuff. Sometimes I think that I’m destined to be a mother of boys. I can think of three friends of ours at different stages in life that all have 3 boys: Greers, Marples and Posenjaks. The Pjaks boys are 1-5, the Marple boys are in HS and early college, and the Greer boys are getting married in their early 20’s. Having my own son already, I’m past the stereotype that boys are ALWAYS rowdy and dirty and naughty. Of course, they are sometimes all of these things and more! I admire each of these families and the way they have parented really delightful boys…some into delightful young men. That is really encouraging to me! Plus, Mrs. Marple tells me that there are some benefits to being the only girl in the house. Like her family kept taking her new water bottles that she bought for herself. So she bought one in bright pink and no one ever touched it! I have fallen madly in love with a little boy already, so I know how easy it is and would love another one. And also, he has cousin Jack who will only be 6 months older, and that would be fun.
But I would also love to have a girl at some point–partly for selfish reasons! I want the experience of having a little girl in the house. I want all the silly little things like barrettes and dresses and pigtails. I’d love to see Trent with a daughter. I have four friends at my Bible study table who have one boy and one girl. All of them tell me that their girls came out already much different than the brothers. Little divas is what they concluded would be a good description, and said they are much more dramatic, even as infants! So, it’s not as if I have this idea in my head that a girl will be a little angel sitting with ribbons in her hair reading Nancy Drew whilst Carson is trashing my house, “swordfighting” in the bathroom with Ethan. I think part of it is that I’m close to my mom as an adult, and many of my girl friends are also still close with their moms. The two adult guys I observe the most, my husband and my brother, are still lovely to their mothers. They talk with them and visit them and hug them openly and let the moms see their grandkids anytime they want, which is great. But the relationship is just not quite the same as their wives & sisters have with their moms. So, part of my desire to have a girl is my expectations for 25 years from now!
So, there you go, Phoebe/Phoebo. I’m just excited to find out who you are!
On a totally unrelated note, here are some pics of Big Brother Carson painting the other week. Look for a post tomorrow with an update! Yes, he’s wearing my old “No Moshing Please” shirt from Ekklesia.