A couple posts back (so, pretty much the other one I did this entire fall) I mentioned that I’d held off on a new internet sensation called Pinterest. I didn’t start using it when so many of my friends did. See how strong I am? Well, turns out, that’s all a facade. I’m weak, weak, weak! In November I joined and jumped in with both feet and really, really love it. If you don’t know what Pinterest is, I don’t want to take time explaining it, so ask a friend or ask me for an invitation and go check it out! It was just what I needed to get a little inspired–inspired to do new stuff and even though it provides another way to spend time on the computer, it also has motivated me to get away from the computer and DO stuff. I am not exaggerating when I say that I’ve probably tried at least 10-12 new dinner recipes in the last 6 weeks. Not all were winners, but it’s so nice to break out of the rut.
I also went to Pinterest for ideas for teacher gifts. These were the finished result (2 of the 5 I ended up making) and it was all from ideas I found on the site.
Another fun trend I’m seeing on Pinterest is ideas for activities and crafts to do with kids. I tried two of them out on the same day last week before Christmas and actually remembered to take pictures. This first one involved paint, and my children are obsessed with paint. Painting is right up there with play-doh on activities I dread. But I busted out the new paint project because I love them and I’m such an amazingly nice mommy. You put a few dollops of paint on some paper in a large, wide plastic bin, and then throw in a handful of marbles and let them roll around and do the painting work. It turned out pretty neat looking!
I usually make both kids strip down when paint is involved, especially Syd, who is at an incredibly clumsy and awkward phase. (Last week she spilled her goldfish FIVE times. The SAME bowl of goldfish crackers. 5 times. OH MY WORD.) But I also don’t really like posting pictures of my daughter clearly t0ples$–even though she’s only 3, it just doesn’t sit well with me–so I drew her a shirt in photoshop. haha! I crack myself up.
I can’t stop giggling about the purple digi-shirt!
The next activity we did later the same day and it involved crepe paper and masking tape. It’s called “Laser Practice.” Get it?! I did the first half of the hallway to get them (ok, especially him) pumped up, then Carson finished the rest. I highly recommend this activity. It entertained my kids for almost 30 minutes, which is some kind of record around here. The only problem was they wanted to leave it up for daddy, so every time I went to the bathroom or to my bedroom I had to crawl and contort through the lasers. But still? Worth it!
So, in summary? I heart Pinterest. If you need proof, look up the recipe for Cranberry Bliss Bars. Make them. You, too, will be converted.