If anyone was reminded of a FRIENDS episode by my post title (“They don’t KNOW we know they know we know!”) then I like you a little extra right now.

OK, I’ve been talking so much about money lately, even I’M tired of hearing about it. But one more brief interlude before some road trip posts.

First, I just want to tell you that we only get updates from Lifesong every couple of weeks. We got one today. WHOA. Our friends and family are pitching together and those donations of $20, $25, $50, $100? They are adding UP! I don’t want to give away any numbers until our push is over (March 1st), but I just want to say THANK YOU to each of you who have been able to give. My goal is to personally contact each family and let you know how much we appreciate it. Maybe not all by mail (since we just paid $100 in postage to send OUT the letters) but at least e-mail.

Second, I just want to say to a LARGE group of people in my life: WE KNOW that you are not able to give financially. We know and we understand and we don’t care. The word “support” gets tossed around a lot, and like the word “love” it has lots of meanings. There are so many ways that people are supporting us in this endeavor, this unique journey to our third child. And financially happens to be one way–a needed way, but only a piece of the puzzle. We could not be doing this without the prayers, the comments, the questions, the time, the energy, the help–so many different ways our support system (there’s that word again) is THERE FOR US.

Two quotes from two different people have stood out to me lately. One friend said, after she got our letter: “I’ve never heard of anyone raising support for an adoption like they do for a mission trip. But WHY NOT!?” I know it is surprising to some people and may catch you off guard. I’m ashamed to say that I was asked to give to an adoption several years ago and I didn’t. Know why? I was embarrassed that I had maybe $15 and that it wouldn’t make a difference. I know now that was lack of faith and also? Incorrect!

The other comment was from a woman in the community when I spoke with her about a fundraiser. When I told her the “cause” she said “Really? I always assumed international adoption was only for the independently wealthy.”

“Me too!” I said. “But it’s not.”

Together, we are proving that assumption WRONG! Adoption is for any family that wants to love a child and be obedient to God’s call to care for the fatherless. The end.