When Trent was gone this weekend I tackled the disaster that was the left side of our garage. It is full of summer fun, like strollers, bike trailers, bikes, tents, camping chairs, etc. We also have hung onto a few items that were donated to our garage sale, b/c I feel like they are good quality and am determined to sell them and put the profits into our adoption fund! So, I got them out and took photos and posted on craigslist. BUT, I figured I’d mention a couple here on the off chance that some local reader might be interested. I might even be willing to barter with a loyal blog reader! 😉
The first item up for sale is a classic Singer sewing machine in good working order, conveniently stowed in a sewing machine cabinet. We’re asking $75. This is the front view (a teeny bit of residue on the front left panel.)

So, just something to keep in mind if you or anyone you know is in the very specific market for an in-cabinet sewing machine or a great China set! Proceeds go to a good cause. 😉 We also have cheap snowboards and snowboard boots–if you want to know more, leave me a comment.