Okay, one more procrastination post. It has no pictures of kids or cute stories, but I need to drum up a little Uppercase Living biz by the end of the month or they’re gonna cut me. I’m so not meant to be a salesperson! But, fortunately, they are having a sale on a bunch of soon-to-be discontinuted items: 40% off! Go to my Uppercase Living site (https://jentompkins.uppercaseliving.net) and click on the link on the bottom right. They’ll pay for shipping & handling on orders above $50, and I will pay for shipping & handling on orders under $50!
And just to appease some of you who keep asking, here is a pic from our trip. This was Sydney’s opinion of the snow. [Read: DISLIKE] This was also everyone’s opinion of the snow after we were hit with a blizzard and got about 18 inches of snow in less than 36 hours. It was a MESS! (This pic was taken before the blizzard in the lovely, cold, dry weather with little patches of snow.)