I was talking with two of my blogger friends last night, Kristen and Beth, and I mentioned to them that I have a hard time remembering to blog about anything other than my kids these days. Then I remembered that writing about and posting pictures of my kid was kind of why I started blogging in the first place. It’s so much easier to tell people about the blog than try to remember to send out emails with 10 attachments and stories that only I think are cute every couple months.
And I thank you, readers, all 6 of you (Hi Mom!), for letting me vent my joys and frustrations of this season in life. But am I giving a little TMI about the frustrating parts? One of my friends with no kids told me that reading my blog is “good birth control.” HA! Oh dear. Was it the potty training? It was, wasn’t it. The 36 hour labor and delivery story? The descriptions of a daily madhouse? More poop stories? I guess I should have a disclaimer or something. Or maybe I’m providing a service. You know, like a PSA. I mean, ignorance was bliss when I thought that parenting was rocking a sleeping baby while reading the latest novel from Oprah’s bookclub, but when I’m verbally and physically wrestling with a toddler whilst holding a screaming infant and cleaning spit-up from my new shirt as I walk out the door (late) to church, I may be able to think “No one told me how hard this was going to be!” However, if you have read my blog, you can claim no such naivety.
Actually, I’m giving myself way too much credit. There are lots of other Mommy blogs with worse stories and Mommies who have it worse off than me. For instance, any mom with more than 2 kids. Or who has to work full-time AND do Mommy duties. Or who have a truly special-needs child. Or who have illness in their family. Or whose husbands are not as supportive as mine. Or who don’t have both sets of grandparents nearby. Or who don’t live 3 minutes from a Target. Or who have a bigger house to clean. Or who have pets other than a fish who obviously has magical powers and can stay alive in filthy water without food for days on end. Heck, come to think of it, what am I complaining for?!?!
Oh, but PS: Yesterday Carson put Chuck E. Cheese tokens in my car CD player and it is now broken. Fun!