That was how it started. In a room that had already been searched, but was, admittedly, quite messy. So I went to check the closet for the flip-flops. For some reason, the messiness of the closet really got to me (even though it’s been chaotic for some time) so I started straightening up a bit, hoping to come across the blue flips. As I grabbed one of Trent’s dress shoes, I felt something clunk inside. Hello, camera battery! Hallelujah! I’ve started to feel quite panicked, thinking it got into the garbage and was taken out and gone forever. What’s funny is: I’m pretty sure Michelle had jokingly told me it was inside a shoe in the closet. Did YOU put it there, Michelle?
These days, my mental to-do list is so long, I can wander around the house starting about a dozen projects all day long, and never finish any of them. Plus, usually I try to be productive while children (esp. almost-3-year-olds) are awake, so that I can sleep when they are sleeping. But “productive” and “almost-3-year-old” and “newborn” are NOT words that go together well. Thus, the dozens of unfinished chores. But I did take a stab at decorating Sydney’s room a bit this weekend. I’ve had my eye on a wall design for a few months; finally purchased it and put it up. Please also remember my warning about the pepto-pink wall color:

This design is from Uppercase Living, a newish company that has independent consultants who do parties in homes. My friend Kristen sells it. Their designs are so cool! I had to restrain myself and buy just this one last time. And I’m not even paid to say that! I’m going to host a party soon–in my house, but maybe I’ll advertise on the blog so people can buy online if you want. Stay tuned.