The other day I was putting Carson’s pants back on after an extra special poopie diaper, and I couldn’t figure out why I was having so much trouble pulling the pants all the way up. These particular pants don’t have a button and zipper, so it’s just a pull and tug maneuver that gets them in the appropriate waist position. Well, as you can see, the reason I couldn’t get them up was because both of his legs were in ONE of the pant legs. This caught me so off guard that I busted up laughing, which made Carson laugh too. I ran to get the camera, but he wouldn’t SIT so I could get a good shot. He kept trying to move around, which was futile, and made both of us laugh more. That last picture isn’t a very good one of Carson, but I wanted to also show off that he is obsessed with wearing the green Mardi Gras beads from St. Pat’s day.